
Hoof Hearted is an American Living in Bangkok.

All stories and posts are mostly true and usually not borrowed from anyone else. Images found here however may be blatently stolen with total disregard for any copyright or ownership. This blog may contain adult material which may be offensive, immoral and/or unethical. This disclaimer can and will be updated at any time.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Speaking Pink and Cursing too much

Its funny to me that I am an English speaker in Thailand and I don't speak Thai.  I know a few words of course, but I can not even string a sentence together.  When I was taking classes to get my ESL certificate, my instructor said that we should not use the host country language while teaching English abroad. For the most part I agree with this but I have found a few exceptions. When teaching small children in Thai schools you should know that a kid tugging on your pant leg and calling you "poh-chi" is trying to tell  you that he is about to pee himself. It only takes one event to learn this Thai word. I am interested in learning Thai and I do pick up a new word now and then. I'd like to watch the news sometime or talk to a waiter/waitress.  People around me see that I still don't speak Thai with them and they must assume that I am unwilling or unable to learn their language.  Actually, I just don't want to talk with them that much.

Growing up in the states there are some things that a guy just doesn't do, like wear pink. We don't wear pink shirts or pants or ride pink bicycles or wear pink motorcycle helmets.  We don't do pink. Pink is for little girls. Its nice on young women. Pink is a feminine color. Period.
In my opinion an American man wearing a bright pink shirt is
A) gay
B) playing golf
C) so rich that he is over and above all rules and character traits
D) all of the above

There was a time that I had this incredibly hot pink denim shirt and I would wear it snow skiing on Mt.Hood.   This shirt was so loud that you pretty much had to be a great skier to wear something like that, and I was. I wore that shirt because it said "I dare you to talk shit because I will ski circles around you".   I wore it because I was looking for trouble, I wanted someone to call me out on it. I would never wear that shirt anywhere else. Men just don't wear pink.

Now I am in Thailand and everyone wears pink. I see men on pink scooters and in pink shirts, pink hats. Men trying to look gangster with pink bandannas. Men driving pink cars. It used to be that everyone would wear yellow to support the King. Yellow was the color to wear on the King's holidays or just to show love for him. Because of recent political division in Thai government, people who wear yellow support one party and people who wear red support another party.  So on the King's birthday, both parties want to show support to his Majesty, but the reds do not want to wear yellow.  Pink seems to be the new color to show love and support for the King, or at least this is my take on it.  Not speaking the language often leaves me without information but I believe this is what the situation is.  So 1)pink is not a feminine color (purple is though) and 2)pink may be viewed as showing support to the King.  I think positively about the King of Thailand, but I just am not into wearing pink. If I ever do, it will be because some school or employer is paying me to do so.

To risk sounding overly negative I have to say that I tend to curse a lot. Spending six years in the warehouse/distribution industry surely did not help.  At one time I commanded a large vocabulary and was proud that I always seemed to know any and every bit of terminology, hot word, or the latest in lingo. Always eager to increase my vocabulary and my intellectual stimulation, I surrounded myself with people with common interests. Then for six years I worked with people who couldn't tell you their own name without dropping the F-bomb six times. I found that its really not at all like riding a bicycle. Now that I have changed careers again, I am literally at a loss for words, my natural vocabulary has diminished.  Because of my previous linguistic know how, I realize that I now sound like a neanderthal. The problem is that when I can't think of the word I would have used in the past, I now just substitute the word "fuckin" or some version/tense of the root. I get mad at someone and I know what I want to say but I can no longer find the right words and it just comes out something like "Fuck you, you fuckin fuck." 

Again with Asia, this whole thing doesn't fly. This culture is incredibly polite and respectful. If someone is acting disrespectful towards you, you may be nearing the point of being in danger.
I am probably in danger of having my ass kicked more then I know as I am constantly mumbling under my breath about the nearest caveman or idiot. Fortunately I do most of this under my helmet when I am driving, but occasionally I do let someone know how rude westerners can be. 

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