
Hoof Hearted is an American Living in Bangkok.

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Monday, July 2, 2012

Hoof Hearted on Football

Its soccer to me but the rest of the world calls it football.  Being that I am an American, when I think of football, I picture a totally different game. Personally I think that Americans should stop calling it soccer and call it football like the rest of the world. I mean thats pretty much what the game is about isn't it? Get the ball to the goal and use your feet to do it, foot-ball. Then of course we had have to rename our American (NFL) football something else as well. Maybe something like "survival ball".
Now I don't mean to seem demeaning because I do support soccer and volleyball and all the rest of the womens sports. I just can't see what all the craze is about with soccer. Someone gets there foot stepped on and they start rolling around on the ground like they were just in a major accident. Everyone watching the game goes wild and I can't control the urge to psuedo cough "pansy" when I see this nonsense.

I know that Americans are practically alienated by the sport of football, even our border countries to both the north and south are bigger soccer fans then we are.  South America loves soccer, Europe loves soccer, Asia loves soccer, Africa loves soccer. Kick the ball down the field to the net. This seems like a great sport for my daughter.  NFL Football on the other hand is a man's sport. You need to be able to do more then just run down the field. You need strength, power, speed, acuracy, and most importantly strategy.  You need to be tough to play this game, there is nothing soft about it.  The one game I think of that is tougher then American football is rugby.  Those guys can talk shit about football all they want, I respect their toughness. The toughest thing in the game of soccer has got to be the audience. They scrap and fight and collapse bleachers and kill each other over a sissy game of kicking a ball across the field. I'd rather watch the soccer fans then the soccer game itself.  To each his own I suppose. If your headed out to play some soccer, make sure that your shoes are tied, I wouldn't want something terrible to happen to you mid battle.

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