
Hoof Hearted is an American Living in Bangkok.

All stories and posts are mostly true and usually not borrowed from anyone else. Images found here however may be blatently stolen with total disregard for any copyright or ownership. This blog may contain adult material which may be offensive, immoral and/or unethical. This disclaimer can and will be updated at any time.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Bangkok Street Food

Day 1
Somethings not agreeing with me today, must have been that plate of chicken I bought from the open air market yesterday.  I would say those fools tried to poison me but actually, I picked out my own meal.

Day 3
Still in the dumps so to speak. Its best that I don't stray farther then a short sprint back to the best seat in the house. I hope this will end soon. I have decided to starve this thing out a bit.  If anything it could only mean less trips to the bathroom. Why feed the fire? Its time to fast.

Day 4
Fevering at night now, second night in a row.  Tossed and turned and more trips to the throne. I woke up totally drenched like someone had turned the hose on me. My pillows more like a sponge.  This would make a heck of a diet. I may have to patten this lil stomach bug and pitch it as the new celebrity weight loss program.  Still not eating much more then a bit of bread and water, and I have added 48 ounces of Singha beer a night to my new culinary regime. I think the beer is really going to help.

Day 6
Last night I seriously considered setting up a make shift computer table in front of the toilet.  I guess my body is just so accustomed to FDA approved foods that i just cant handle a little bug or some bacteria. The days are not as bad as the nights, but still I have sprinted up the stairs to my bathroom (on the third floor) so many times my legs are starting to hurt. There is a war going on in my gut and I have body ache from fever and painful cramping from the dehydration.
The good news is I am saving tons of money on groceries. The bad news is that in order for me to go anywhere I have to be prepared to use public restrooms and I'm walking around afraid to fart. I am fevering every night now. I fear the beer is just not helping. My rear quarters are producing colors that range from bright baby shit yellow, to sickly green and something that looks a bit like blackened seaweed. From now on I won't look back, never look back.

Day 7
Not enough energy to drink beer or get to the remote. I have been provided with a drug called Norfloxyl.  Side effects are nausea, rash, and visual disturbance. At 400 mg twice a day it is used to treat G.I.T. infection.  I looked it up and at 800 mg a dose it is also used to treat  gonorrhea. I guess that is always good to know. I pray this will be the end of the story of my sore ass, my sprints to the bathroom both successful and not, and to waking up in a bed that doesn't feel like I just had a sleep over with sponge bob square pants.

The Bottom Line (no pun intended)
If you are going to kick it in Thailand and eat all the wonderful foods it has to offer, for fucks sake bring a boat load of wet wipes !  Those things saved my ass (again, no pun), I brought a 3 pack in my baggage from overseas at 80 sheets a pack, and it was a great call.

Baby wipes, a whole lot better then wearing a diaper.

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