
Hoof Hearted is an American Living in Bangkok.

All stories and posts are mostly true and usually not borrowed from anyone else. Images found here however may be blatently stolen with total disregard for any copyright or ownership. This blog may contain adult material which may be offensive, immoral and/or unethical. This disclaimer can and will be updated at any time.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Today I ate the staple

Picked up a couple pieces of cake today, real nice looking. Two chocolate and custard topped slices and they came in a small see through plastic clam shell box. One side of the box is hinged of course and the other side was secured by a tiny little staple. I popped the box open and took a big bite out of the cake, delicious!  It was right as I was swallowing that I noticed the little staple was now missing from the lip of the box. In that brief instant I thought it probably flew off when I popped the box open and it was now on the floor somewhere. In the same instant as I was swallowing I felt it go down my throat.   Immediately I froze and wondered if maybe I could cough it back up. No, its too late, that tiny little staple had gone done already. So now I sit here and wonder, will it puncture my intestines on its way through my system ? Will I need to go to the hospital ?  Will it stab me in the ass upon making its exit?  I figure I have another 8 hours or so until I find out what will happen.

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